Managing fast moving bookings, availability and driving hours is one of the biggest challenges facing driving recruitment agencies.
The Influence Driving Recruitment Software configuration has an extensive feature set with specific functions helping Driving Recruitment Agencies easily handle the complexity of modern day driving recruitment. Functions include the ability to manage driving hours, breaks and period of availability (POA) management to help ensure your drivers are compliant with working time.
The Influence planner allows you to visualise driver bookings, compliance and availability at a glance, and to quickly copy and paste bookings so repeat driver allocations are greatly simplified. Powerful confirmations ensure your drivers and customers are alerted and reminded about bookings, and assignment notes are generated by text or email.Using the Influence Driving Recruitment Software in conjunction with the Influence Analytical Reporting Suite, allows you to produce customer-specific time reports which can be sent to your customer for approval prior to invoicing.Influence is in use by many multi-branch agencies for both temporary and permanent driver recruitment.
Our ‘at-a-glance’ visual planner provides your temp controllers with a simple ‘one-screen’ view of driver availability, visualise your current bookings and to assign staff to unfilled requirements.
You can see immediately which candidates are closest to your client’s site by using our distance tool. The system will warn of any Agency Worker Regulations (AWR) issues.
The visual planner is highly configurable, allowing you to view a master planner for all drivers, or specific planners by company or site.
Availability and feedback information can be used to quickly filter your search lists and bookings in order to speed up the booking process and make sure only relevant staff are being offered.
Manage your Drivers Periods of Availability and enforce AWR regulations across your driver pool
Holidays, periods of sickness, daily, weekly, monthly and even annual availability can be captured.
Influence provides one of the most powerful compliance systems on the market today. We provide a fully auditable driver compliance management system which includes user definable compliance items on both candidates and client records.
Driver agencies can manage Working Time Directive obligations with options to manage driving hours, rest periods and driving licence points and endorsements.
The compliance reporting system allows you to manage upcoming expiry dates and compliance documents outstanding. If your drivers are due to have any documentation renewed, you can set up search lists to send emails to all in one go advising of their compliance renewals.
Communication is fundamental to any recruitment software solution. Influence provides best of breed communications systems that can be configured for the way that you work.
Communicate fast and effectively with your drivers and customers using text or email to both your potential staff and customers.
Confirmation emails can be sent from your Influence Driver Recruitment Software in a split second. Consolidate multiple bookings into a single confirmation email to your client or as a single text message to your driver.
Influence Driver Recruitment software includes a full templating system so that you can tailor your communications and maintain a consistent, professional image no matter who is sending the message.
Manage your daily and weekly timesheets and for driver agencies, record Tachograph information and feedback.
Influence will manage all your AWR information and booking rates.
Enter timesheets or link to one of our authorised timesheet management systems in order to automate your invoicing and payroll.
Record non-attendance, sickness, lateness and any other required customer measure. Unsuitable staff can be blocked from a site or from any specific requirement.